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Novatec Cyber Security

Online course: Data Protection Switzerland

Thanks to an entertaining, interactive story, this 3D training course teaches your employees about data protection in an easy-to-understand way. They learn everything they need to know about the principles of processing personal data, measures to ensure data protection, the obligations of the controller and the rights of the data subjects. The main protagonist, Reto, accompanies users through his everyday work and uses everyday situations to show them what to pay particular attention to when processing personal data. This WBT is ideal for preparing for the new Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection.

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Data Protection Switzerland: Why is this course important?

In the modern business world, data protection plays a central role, especially in Switzerland, where strict data protection laws exist to protect companies and individuals. The Cyber Security course "Data Protection Switzerland" is therefore essential for everyday work. This course covers all critical aspects of data protection and ensures that participants are familiar with and can apply the legal requirements and best practices. The following topics are covered in the course and are indispensable for professional life.

Importance of Data Protection
Data protection has immense importance in today's world, where data is considered a valuable resource. The course begins by explaining why data protection is important and the benefits it brings to companies and individuals. Understanding the fundamental importance of data protection helps participants recognize its relevance in the professional context.

The Data Protection Act
A thorough knowledge of the Swiss Data Protection Act is essential. The course provides a comprehensive overview of the legal requirements and their application in daily business operations. This includes the duties and rights arising from the Data Protection Act and how to implement them in the company.

Personal Data and Sensitive Personal Data
Participants learn what personal data and sensitive personal data are and how they must be handled correctly. The course explains the differences and provides practical examples for dealing with these types of data.

Right of Access
The right of access allows individuals to obtain information about the processing of their data. The course teaches how companies should respond to access requests and what information needs to be provided. This is particularly important for ensuring transparency and trust.

Data Protection
Data protection is more than just complying with legal requirements. The course shows how data protection can be integrated and practiced within the company. This includes both technical and organizational measures to protect data effectively.

Data Protection Officers
It must be clearly defined who is responsible for data protection within the company. The course covers the role and tasks of data protection officers and how they can ensure compliance with data protection regulations.

Laws and Regulations
In addition to the Data Protection Act, there are other relevant laws and regulations governing the handling of data. The course provides an overview of these regulations and their significance for the company.

Data Sharing
Sharing data with third parties involves numerous risks. The course explains under what conditions data may be shared and what security precautions must be taken to protect the data.

Company Control Objectives
Companies must pursue specific control objectives in the area of data protection to ensure they meet legal and regulatory requirements. The course shows how such objectives can be defined and achieved.

Data and Information Classification
Clear classification of data and information helps implement data protection effectively. The course provides methods for classification and examples of different categories of data.

Data Security
Data security is an essential part of data protection. The course conveys best practices for securing data, including technical measures such as encryption and access controls.

Principles of Data Protection
Finally, the principles of data protection are discussed. These include principles such as data minimization, purpose limitation, and transparency. These principles are the foundation for any data protection strategy and help promote a data protection-friendly corporate culture.

The Cyber Security course "Data Protection Switzerland" is essential for anyone working with data in their professional life. It provides comprehensive knowledge and practical skills to implement data protection effectively, thereby ensuring the security and trust of customers and business partners. In a time when data protection breaches can have severe consequences, this course is an indispensable tool for professional success.

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