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Novatec Cyber Security

Online course Working safely in public

Interactive E-Learning Courses: Cybersecurity When Working in Public

In an increasingly digital world where work often takes place outside the office and in public spaces, awareness of cybersecurity is essential. Our interactive e-learning courses provide you with comprehensive training on the best practices and techniques for working securely in public.

Why is Cybersecurity in Public Important?

Public Wi-Fi, shared workspaces, and working in cafes or parks provide cybercriminals with numerous opportunities to intercept data or attack systems. A simple mistake can lead to the loss or theft of confidential information.

What Does the "Cybersecurity When Working in Public" E-Learning Course Offer?

Interactive Modules: Our courses are designed to be interactive. You can participate in simulations where you experience real cyber attack scenarios and learn how to protect yourself against them. Case Studies: Learn from real incidents. Our examples provide insights into actual cyberattacks and their consequences, so you can better understand why certain security practices are so important. Self-Assessments: Check your knowledge with regular tests and quizzes. You receive immediate feedback to ensure you have truly understood the material. Updated Content: The world of cybersecurity is constantly evolving. Our courses are regularly updated to ensure that you are informed about the latest threats and protective measures.

Main Topics of Our Courses:

Fundamentals of Cybersecurity: Understand the basic principles of cybersecurity and why they are relevant to anyone who works in public. Safe Use of Public Networks: Learn how to use public Wi-Fi safely and understand the risks associated with it. Phishing and Social Engineering: Identify fraudulent attempts to steal your data and learn how to protect yourself from them. Secure Mobile Working: Learn how to secure your mobile devices and work safely on the go. Data Protection: Understand how to effectively protect your data and what to do if you believe your data has been compromised.


The importance of cybersecurity when working in public cannot be overstated. Our interactive e-learning courses provide comprehensive training that ensures you and your employees are well-equipped for the digital work world. Sign up today and take the protection of your data into your own hands!

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Content online course Working safely in public

Taking IT devices and documents with you | houlder surfing | access protection | Internet | VPN | public charging stations | talking in public | forgotten and unattended items

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